Oral Health Coalition
The Oral Health Coalition is a partnership opportunity for individuals and organizations to collaborate on real solutions that identify and eliminate oral health disparities in our community.
As an Oral Health Program (OHP), we serve to build community partnerships, increase resources for oral health activities, and promote advocacy. Our mission is to reduce the risk of caries prevalence in our community through support and education efforts.
The OHP relies on collaborative partnerships and diverse members to address the complex dental health issues that exist in San Luis Obispo County. Your support as a coalition member lends a voice and perspective that is unique to the challenges you face. As an advisory member, you will have the opportunity to participate in the development, implementation, and evaluation of our state guided work plan.
Our coalition convenes bi-monthly to connect partners, share information, coordinate outreach efforts, and collaborate on solutions for emerging challenges.
Meetings are held in the first Tuesday of every other month at 12:00 PM via Zoom.
Learn more​
If you or your organization are interested or want more information in attending meetings contact Barb Morrow at bmorrow@co.slo.ca.us or view our page here.